Training for Leaders

We planned an innovative new week-long DESTINY DISCOVERY WORKSHOP in Adwa for just our kids, but then welcomed Christian youth from 4 other churches! We quickly produced more materials, and they treasured the training, understanding themselves and God’s calling on their lives in a new way. Everywhere we built wonderful relationships, as we sought to encourage, coach and release leaders!

Leadership Training

One hundred seventy pastors, evangel­ists, and elders from four denominations attended our leadership training seminars recently. Fifty-six pages of discipleship material was handed to all that attended. The discipleship material consisted of ways to evangelize and Bible lessons for over six months. We believe that all believers should take this training. The local church should participate with new believers. The task of discipleship won’t be effective if left to the pastor or evangelist alone, everyone needs to get involved. As the word about the seminar spread, many churches desired to get involved. We believe this is to be our primary contribution to the churches in Ethiopia.


We planned one Pastor’s and Leader’s Conference in Adwa, and as a result, we were asked to do three more in ShireAxum Mekelle! We spent significant time up north with the Eritrean Refugees, our hearts often broken, as we visited with them in their lonely camps, where they are kept for years! We jumped at their request share our Pastor’s and Leader’s Conference with them, which required us to rent rooms, buy materials, paying for the transportation and food for 15 leaders from 5 of the big Refugee churches in the camps! It lasted three days, and was a very positive event!  Our work is producing strong healthy leaders for the future. The Horn of Africa is a strategic place! The greater the persecution, the more the Gospel multiplies believers!